01 September, 2010


In 40 minutes I will be 25 years old.
A quarter of a century! "Makes a girl think," as Marilyn Monroe said.

I really hoped things would be a little better by 25. I would have liked to have accomplished something significant other than gaining weight and drawing pretty things in my sketchbook. I feel I didn't make the most of my time in London when it comes to my career. I feel like a failure and this birthday feels like a marker of how I wasted this opportunity to make something of myself.

On the other hand....
Is 25 really old enough to have done anything?
What were you doing at 25?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At 25 I had no career and no relationship.

I turned 35 yesterday and now I have both, but the doubts and the insecurities remain the same.

The only thing I can tell you from a decade down the road is to be kind to yourself, there's more in store yet and the world is a great and wondrous place. Every step (in any direction) leads somewhere worth going.

Happy 25th birthday; be well.